Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Health at 30

So today is the start of a new month and a month away from a big milestone in my life…. Turning 30… you can gasp now lol. It is kind of annoying that I let a milestone like turning 30 kick me into beast mode to get healthier. Granted, I have always had a “Go Hard or Go Home” attitude toward working out and living a healthier lifestyle but what is it about turning 30 that has us shaking in our spandex shorts/ running shoes? Personally, having a pregnancy gut without having children it kinda motivating, wouldn’t you say? When I think about the woman I will soon become at 30, I want one word to ring true, SEXY, FIT, BOOTY HAVING, BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT, WOMAN, or maybe seven words to ring true. Some of my obstacles to fully being the before mentioned have been:

1)      Self! Of course I get in my own way of my own success but hey, I am human

2)      Self! Did I mention myself, maybe saying it again will make MYSELF actually realize, I am the ONLY one standing in my way

3)      Master’s and Full-time job- For the last couple of months I have been getting my Master’s in Public Health and working Full-time and it has really wreaked havoc on my health, go figure. I have been missing out on much needed rest which made me start re-evaluating why I was getting my Master’s in the first place. Do I like helping the public with their health, yes, do I need a Master’s to do that, no, would I enjoy more hours in my less than comfy bed (my mattress is hard, brainstorming a solution as I type), yes, then problem solved. I realized saying I have a Master’s sounded good but not better than not having more debt and actually helping others with their health without a Master’s.

30, sheesh, that means I will be a real grown up and have to make grown up decisions like not eating 5 slices of pizza or not eating cake that sits in my office kitchen… right, not that I already don’t do those things lol. I am truly excited about this milestone because I honestly feel like the best has yet to come. It took me 29 years to finally figure out, if I eat a lot of food, I will be plump like the burgers I put in my mouth, hmmm burgers, I digress lol. I start to think about the reasons behind some of my goals and it was humbling to see that some of my motivation was not honorableL, i.e. completing diets and different workouts just to be able to tell people I have done it as compared to doing those things for my health.  As I get closer to 30 it makes me feel comfortable with knowing that my health is my health and if I want to eat meat today but be a meatless vegan tomorrow then I don’t have to answer to anyone other than myself. I am starting to not care so much that a person eats horrible because it has nothing to do with me, I am accountable for myself and that’s it and recognizing it and living by that makes a difference.

My main motivation to being healthy is I want to make sure my health is top notch before having beautiful children, yes they sure will be beautiful especially if I eat greens and carrots lol. What will change when I turn 30, nothing because I have already made significant changes in the 29 years thus far. Every day I wake up is another day that the Most High blessed me to get my health right and stay on or get back on the right track to the path he wants me to be on.

~ Have a Blessed Day!!

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