Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Eat To Live

I bought the book Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman today. I am really excited to start reading the book. I always do research on new ways of eating for health and I came across his book. I have read many reviews and it seems to be a no gimmicks type book which is a breath of fresh non polluted air. The book is based on a 6 week meal plan that promises a 20lb or more Weightloss. The meal plan is based on unlimited amounts of beans, legumes, raw vegetables,greens, veggies, fresh fruits, a few nuts, 1 oz of ground flaxseed, limited amount of starchy vegetables and grains, no dairy, animal products,fruit juice, between meal snacks and oils. I am going to read the book starting today and will start eating to live Sunday 1/30/12.

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