Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fitness magazines and Biggest Loser

When I was in Canada in 2007 for a student exchange program I got introduced to the fabulous Oxygen magazine and I'm so happy I did. I lost 22lbs in 5 months from hard work, dedication and tips from Oxygen magazine.  Many people wonder if the workouts in the magazine truly work and the answer is yes, if you actually do them! A lifestyle change is not something you can take lightly, either you give everything or nothing at all.

Any workout works if you follow through and not give up. I think of how many times I gave up and how much time and effort I wasted because I didn't see quick results.  But just so you know, quick results are the same results you quickly lose when you no longer have a fad diet to fall back on. Please lose weight the hard way.

I watched the Biggest Loser Finale last night and was almost in tears as the winner Danni Allen was announced as the winner. She looked amazing! She worked her butt off and shed her weight the hard way. If she can do it then you can too! Keep pushing through!

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