Thursday, December 18, 2014

I don't fit in a box, so why do I try to?

Good Morning  World!

As we come upon a New Year, many of you will again make getting healthy a priority. I too will be in the same boat as many others but the difference is I am actually part of the 8% that stuck to their resolution from last year, I continued my existing health journey. Though I may not have lost the amount of weight I wanted, I still improved my health, even if just by adding another healthy habit. You see, many of us try to fit into a "one size, fits all" health train but the funny thing is that NONE of us truly fit in that box lol but we try so desperately to fit and feel like we have failed when we are not successful at the latest diet, workout program etc. How about we create our own vision of what success looks like and then we will always be successful measuring up to goals that fit us individually so perfectly?

Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so too is success. Stop setting unrealistic goals for yourself and just get real with yourself, I too had to stop believing the hype, and create my own hype. I realize that I am tired of trying to fit into the "IN" crowd, and interesting enough, I haven't ever tried to fit in, not even in high school, college etc so not sure why I tried to now as an adult.

The moral of the story is we will never become someone else no matter how hard we try so why not be perfect at being yourself? I love working out, I love eating pizza, I love eating junk, I just have to love being responsible with my treats and cheats :-)

Happy Thursday

Friday, October 3, 2014

October is Domestic Violence and Vegetarian Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

A new month also brings new campaigns to bring awareness to important topics and October happens to be an awareness month of two special topics that I truly have a passion for, Domestic Violence Awareness and Vegetarian Awareness Month!! As a lifetime advocate for victims and survivors of domestic violence, I will always lead with my educator hat when it comes to individuals that truly do not understand the dynamics of domestic violence. With the recent events in the NFL, domestic violence has FINALLY been brought to the attention of many people. I am so ecstatic that an organization like the NFL is holding individuals accountable for acts of violence, regardless of the shakiness at first. Believe it or not, their actions have set a standard for big organizations and show how individuals should be handled if they choose to act in such a horrendous way. Violence against anyone regardless of the reason is never good, man or woman! Please continue this conversation because within the conversation, a man or woman may feel comfortable enough to reach out for help and may take the brave step to leave an abusive partner for good. To start the conversation do research on reasons why a person stays in an abusive relationship, warning signs of a controlling partner and ways to safely leave an abusive relationship. For more information or resources please visit the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Please remember that it is NEVER your fault for the actions another person chooses to perform. And if you want to help a person, never ask why they are staying in an abusive relationship, but ask how you can help them.

Warning Signs of Abusive Relationships


Jealousy is a sign of insecurity and lack of trust, but the abuser will say that it is a sign of love. The abuser will question the victim about who they talk to, accuse them of flirting, or be jealous of time spent with their friends, family, or children. The abuser may refuse to let the victim work or go to school for fear of meeting someone else. The abuser may call the victim frequently or drop by unexpectedly. The abuser may accuse the victim of flirting with someone else or having an affair.


One partner completely rules the relationship and makes the decisions. This includes “checking up” on the victim, timing a victim when they leave the house, checking the odometer on the car, questioning the victim about where they go. They may also check the victim’s cell phone for call history, their email or website history. The abuser may control the finances and tries to tell the victim how to dress, who to talk to, and where to go.


The abuser comes on strong at the beginning of the relationship, pressuring for a commitment and claims “Love at first sight” or “You’re the only person I could ever talk to”, or “I never met anyone like you before”. Often, in the beginning of a relationship, the abuser is very charming and romantic and the love is intense.


Abusers expect their partners to meet all their needs and be “perfect”. They may say things like “If you love me, then I’m all you need”.


The abuser tries to keep the victim from friends and family by putting down everyone the victim knows, including their family and friends. They may keep the victim from going to work or school.


The abuser does not take responsibility for their problems, blaming others (usually the victim) for almost everything (“you made me mad”).


An abuser is easily insulted and takes everything as a personal attack and blows things out of proportion.


The abuser may punish animals brutally or be insensitive to their pain. They may have unfair expectations of children or tease them until they cry.


The abuser may throw or hold their partner down during sex, may pressure their partner into having sex, may demand sex when their partner is tired or ill or doesn’t want to have sex. They may ask the victim to do things they do not want to do.


The abuser says cruel and harmful things to their victim, degrades them, curses at them, calls them names, or puts down their accomplishments. The abuser tells their victims they are stupid, and unable to function without them. They embarrass and put down the victim in front of others as well.


The abuser believes in rigid gender roles and sees women as inferior to men and unable to have their own identity. They may see men as the “master of his castle”.


The abuser experiences severe mood swings and the victim may think the abuser has a mental health problem. One minute they can be charming and sweet and the next minute they become angry and explosive. Explosiveness and moodiness are typical of people who beat their partners.


The abuser has a history of past battering of partners and although they may admit to that, they say their previous partner provoked them to do it. A batterer will beat any partner they are with if the person is with them long enough for the violence to begin; situational circumstances do not cause a person to have an abusive relationship.


This includes any threat or physical force meant to control the victim: “I’ll kill you”, “I’ll break your neck”, “If you ever leave, I’ll kill you.”


This behavior is used as a punishment (breaking treasured possessions), but is mostly used to terrorize the victim into submission. The abuser may break or strike objects near the victim to frighten them.


The abuser may hold the victim down, restrain them from leaving the room, may push, shove, or hold them against a wall.
Adapted from “Project for Victims of Family Violence”, Fayetteville, Arkansas and the Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County materials.

Vegetarian Awareness Month

I am always a fan of adding fruits and veggies to your diet regardless of your health goals. I look back over my health journey thus far and I seemed to be at my best, healthiest, most energy, loving life when I was a raw vegan. For two months I ate all the fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds that I wanted and slim down significantly. But the most noticeable change was my natural glow and spirit that I had. I had no cares in the world and could workout for hours upon hours. My blood pressure was normal, stomach was flat, my bowels loved me lol (I know TMI) and it felt like I truly had the energy of the sun!! I am not asking the world to become vegetarians over night, and I am not even asking for anyone to become a vegetarian but I would love to see many people adding yummy veggies to their most beloved dishes. Each day this month try adding a bit of veggies or fruits to your meals. For example, add arugula or spinach to your omelets, or fruit to your yogurt or smoothie, for snacks have a veggie and protein like tuna and bell peppers, carrots and hummus, cucumbers and beef snack bites, and for dinner stir-fry is always my go to so throw in all of your favorite veggies with a small amount of protein like lean beef, turkey, chicken or tofu. Though there is a lot of research out in the world about the benefits of increasing your fruits and veggies, a month of increasing them will really show you the benefits of incorporating the suns natural energy into your life. Visit World Vegetarian Day for my information and resources.

~Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Health at 30

So today is the start of a new month and a month away from a big milestone in my life…. Turning 30… you can gasp now lol. It is kind of annoying that I let a milestone like turning 30 kick me into beast mode to get healthier. Granted, I have always had a “Go Hard or Go Home” attitude toward working out and living a healthier lifestyle but what is it about turning 30 that has us shaking in our spandex shorts/ running shoes? Personally, having a pregnancy gut without having children it kinda motivating, wouldn’t you say? When I think about the woman I will soon become at 30, I want one word to ring true, SEXY, FIT, BOOTY HAVING, BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT, WOMAN, or maybe seven words to ring true. Some of my obstacles to fully being the before mentioned have been:

1)      Self! Of course I get in my own way of my own success but hey, I am human

2)      Self! Did I mention myself, maybe saying it again will make MYSELF actually realize, I am the ONLY one standing in my way

3)      Master’s and Full-time job- For the last couple of months I have been getting my Master’s in Public Health and working Full-time and it has really wreaked havoc on my health, go figure. I have been missing out on much needed rest which made me start re-evaluating why I was getting my Master’s in the first place. Do I like helping the public with their health, yes, do I need a Master’s to do that, no, would I enjoy more hours in my less than comfy bed (my mattress is hard, brainstorming a solution as I type), yes, then problem solved. I realized saying I have a Master’s sounded good but not better than not having more debt and actually helping others with their health without a Master’s.

30, sheesh, that means I will be a real grown up and have to make grown up decisions like not eating 5 slices of pizza or not eating cake that sits in my office kitchen… right, not that I already don’t do those things lol. I am truly excited about this milestone because I honestly feel like the best has yet to come. It took me 29 years to finally figure out, if I eat a lot of food, I will be plump like the burgers I put in my mouth, hmmm burgers, I digress lol. I start to think about the reasons behind some of my goals and it was humbling to see that some of my motivation was not honorableL, i.e. completing diets and different workouts just to be able to tell people I have done it as compared to doing those things for my health.  As I get closer to 30 it makes me feel comfortable with knowing that my health is my health and if I want to eat meat today but be a meatless vegan tomorrow then I don’t have to answer to anyone other than myself. I am starting to not care so much that a person eats horrible because it has nothing to do with me, I am accountable for myself and that’s it and recognizing it and living by that makes a difference.

My main motivation to being healthy is I want to make sure my health is top notch before having beautiful children, yes they sure will be beautiful especially if I eat greens and carrots lol. What will change when I turn 30, nothing because I have already made significant changes in the 29 years thus far. Every day I wake up is another day that the Most High blessed me to get my health right and stay on or get back on the right track to the path he wants me to be on.

~ Have a Blessed Day!!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Weightloss in numbers/April Squat Challenge

April 1st will be the beginning of a smaller weightloss challenge.  I have formed a challenge group with beautiful,  intelligent women who are progressing to a healthier lifestyle.  April's challenge is a squat challenge!  My booty is a bit flat so to help strengthen my knees, quads, calfs, hamstrings and glutes and build a nice behind, I will be doing squats.

Many times we feel to lose weight we need tons and tons of fitness equipment,  or a gym membership but our best equipment is our body. I am still in the midst of my 60 day challenge but its great to change my lifestyle for the healthier with my friends and family.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Journey of Loving Food, Hating Food, Then Loving Food Again

In order to cherish where I am at in life right now, I had to look back at where I began to truly appreciate my life. My relationship with food is similar to many women and men and I tell my story because I know, right now at 3:12PM Eastern Standard Time, there is someone in the World who is ready to give up on their journey with food.... I dedicate my love filled words to you.

I have always been athletic, I was a cheerleader for 9 years of my life which is pretty significant. My Mom always tells me of stories about when I was younger, I would jump on beds, or anything that could hold my body so she decided to put me in cheerleading, in order to channel my energy into something constructive. I cheered for my elementary, middle and high school and I also participated in Allstars cheerleading in elementary. During my adolescent years food was a means of nourishment. I grew up in the hood/ projects and was raised by a single mother. My mom sacrificed a lot for her children to have food in our bellies, and shelter over our head. We learned to be creative with the food we did have. I remember we would put different vegetables in our Ramen noodles to make a new meal. My fondest memory of my childhood is when I had the chicken pox and one of my scabs fell in the bowl of Rice Crispies cereal, lmao GROSS!@!!! I was also on free and reduced lunch so most of my meals were at the mercy of what my school decided to put on my tray during lunch.

When my mom became a nurse we were able to move out of the projects and live in nicer areas and were able to add more foods into our pantry. I really did not change my view of food until I got into high school. I cheered for a competitive cheerleading team in high school so whatever I put in my body was sure to be burned off after a tough practice. When I say I ate horrible, I really did. Taco bell, Fazolis, Burger King, Wendy's etc. I did not care what I put in my body, as long as I had money, I knew I would be eating good. My mom worked long hours, though she or my sister cooked dinner, I often ate fast food. My senior year in high school I decided not to return to cheerleading so I could focus on my future college career. I still ate horrible but was able to maintain my lean figure. I was LOVING FOOD. The pictures are from my senior year of high school.

I graduated and went an hour away to a great college, GO CARDS!!!!! I loved my college years and am happy I decided to go to my first choice. Freshmen year of college I was 140lbs. I chose a different route of activities starting with Intercollegiate Debate. Yes, I was on the debate team in college lol. Being on the debate team meant, long hours researching, practicing, lectures, travelling etc. I threw down any food that would keep me up for long hours so I could go to practice, class then back to practice. I was constantly on the move and I really did not have time to realize what the food was doing to my body. Again, I was still eating fast food. My 140lbs body no longer existed but I did not realize it just yet.

The above picture was taken in 2006 and I was probably around 180-190lbs. So it took me 2 years to gain 40-50lbs!!!!!!!! And I only got bigger and bigger!My face was so swollen from the inflammation and water retention from all of the sodium laced fast food, I did not recognize myself at all. In 2007, I got the opportunity of a life time to be a student exchange student and travel to Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada for 5 months. I met and worked with some amazing people, in particular, 4 amazing roommates. I had never visited Canada but I took a leap of faith and yes I met my roommates on Facebook! But living with my roommates made me take a step back and re-evaluate what food had done to my body. I WAS HATING FOOD! I entered Canada at 202Lbs!!!! I had gained 62lbs within 3 years and I was so ashamed of myself. I went from wearing small sizes to a size 14. I was heartbroken. But my roommates ate really healthy, rarely ate out and cooked all of their food. So I started to adopt their healthy habits.
 And I felt amazing! You can see a natural glow in the  picture above. I stopped eating out, allow myself a treat meal that was always this delish veggie pizza at a place across the street from where I lived. I cooked everything. I mainly ate fish, fresh fruits, veggies, lamb and drunk tons of water! I was introduced to the fabulous magazine Oxygen which is a fitness magazine geared toward women who lift weights, do cardio and eat clean.
Oxygen Magazine Issue PreviewI also starting working out!!! I worked out twice a day. I would do cardio in the morning and water aerobics at night. By the time I left Canada five months later in May, I had lost 22lbs! As you can see in the picture to the left, I was fit, fabulous and happy. I LOVED HEALTHY FOOD! I graduated from college and was hit with the real world. I had no job, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life and so I turned back to food, but this time food was used for comfort and not nourishment. I moved to Columbus and slowly started gaining weight again. And my guilt came back. I was eating the fast food again, but again, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, in the form of my sister, Keziah .She loved working out and so my journey back to the gym continued.I started looking fly! At this time I was eating clean. I was working with a personal trainer and he would create a meal plan for my sis and I. I ate tuna, tilipia, broccoli, bell peppers, drunk protein shakes, ate almonds and it was working. Then somewhere along the way I started to LOVE eating healthy and working out. But again, I fell out of love with food and was HATING it once more. I was stressing at work and still getting used to being away from home so I turned to food for my comfort and gained back some weight. You can see my face is a little bigger. One day I went to a routine doctor's appointment and this day is the day I took my health back into my life. The doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure at the age of 26. I remember crying in his office because I thought this was a disease that older people were diagnosed with! I thought I was healthier. Still til this day I can hear him telling me " this is essential high blood pressure and there is nothing you can do about it, you will always have high blood pressure." He gave me a piece of paper with information about the DASH diet which is a low sodium diet recommended to individuals with high blood pressure. He offered no other help for my blood pressure other than medication. So everytime I would go back to the doctor, he would say, well the medication is not working so we have to add another medication for you to take. The interesting point is, even with the medication my blood pressure did NOT improve, which should have been a sign that medication was not the way to control my blood pressure, but hey, he was the one with the medical degree so he must have known what he was talking about, right? Um, WRONG!!!! The day he suggested I take a 3rd pill was the day I became my own doctor and used fruits and veggies as my medication. I BECAME A RAW VEGAN OVERNIGHT. Dr. Douglas Graham's book 80/10/10 (80 % carbs, 10% fat and 10% protein is the first book I came across showing there was other ways to improve health without medication. I had already started doing research on how to get my blood pressure down by using natural ingredients and came across David Wolfe's book, Superfoods. I had discovered my high blood pressure was a result of years and years of fast food and the effects had caught up to me. So I figured if I removed the fast food and sodium, fat, carb ladden foods from my diet and replaced those foods with healthier food like fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds then my blood pressure would return to normal and heck yeah, I WAS RIGHT!!! So I lost 20lbs within a few months by being a raw vegan and I felt so HAPPY. I LOVED FOOD. I would eat tons and tons of fruit, green smoothies and I was really enjoying life.When I felt good, everything was good. I started working out more and more and again because I had an increase of energy and I started looking fly. Since reading Oxygen magazine, one of my goals was to compete in a figure competition. I was living on my own so maintaining a raw vegan lifestyle started to get expensive so until I could do more research on making it affordable, I went to being a vegan.But I still ate like a champ and felt great about myself! So I started  working out preparing for my first figure competition.  I started to get discouraged because in the bodybuilding industry, there is this misconception that you need a lot of protein, and a low amount of carbs in order to get lean and the only way you can get protein it through animal products and drinking tons of whey protein. Um, WRONG! But since the vegan lifestyle was so new to me, I started believing the hype and I started eating meat and animal products again :(. I ate a lot of eggs, fish, some chicken, and I felt like death. Literally, every time I would eat dairy, I hated life. I was so angry and frustrated and I did not understand where this anger was coming from but I started to realize that I didn't have this sense of rage unless I ate dairy so I removed dairy from my diet. I am not going to lie it was very hard removing ice cream from my diet because it is addictive but I knew it was for the better. Eating meat had me so discouraged, I almost did not compete in my competition but I have a strong family and support system and I did get on the stage ;)  And though I was not as lean as I should have been, I think had I not listened to others and continued my vegan lifestyle I would have leaned down perfectly. After I competed, I rebounded really bad because I had to be so strict with my food while preparing for my competition and then after the competition, I ate anything in sight. So I tried every fad diet around, the Atkins diet, Dukan diet, low carb/high protein, low carb/high fat, low fat/high protein etc to lose weight and nothing was working. Then I got back to where my heart felt warm, and I went back to raw veganism/veganism.  I AM LOVING FOOD ONCE MORE. Today as I write this blog, I love myself and only want what is best for my body. And through it all, fruits and veggies have never let me down. I still have my moments when I eat meat and I do struggle with the guilt but I am human. I know that my preference for food will change throughout my life but one thing remains the same, food will always have a presence in my life and it is up to me if I am going to use it for the positive (nourishment) or the negative (comfort). I love exercising, meditation, lifting heavy weight and spending time with family, food helps me enjoy me great moments even more!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 4 of 60 day challenge and bummed knee

I hear time and time again of reasons why people can not live a healthier lifestyle. One of those excuses is injuries. I hurt my knee a couple of days ago but I decided to still exercise on it which made it swell yesterday. I decided to take a week off from exercising. In order to continue to live a healthy life I am making sure to eat healthy. JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T WORKOUT DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO EAT CRAP!!!! If we use the energy that we use to come up with excuses and put the energy to action, we would have a healthy living society! Instead of saying it takes too much time to cook all your meals for the week, just do it. Instead of saying healthy food is not tasty just find a tasty recipe and instead of driving to a fast food restaurant, drive to the grocery store. If losing weight was easy, everybody would be bikini ready.

I have never been so motivated to being healthier than I am now. My sister and I are going strong!! We are eating extremely healthy and staying active. I feel amazing. What will you do to feel healthier today?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Since I've come to love running over the years, I have also come to love beautiful,  bright, lightweight and supportive running shoes. I came across Reebok Smoothflex Running shoes. I read some great reviews and I just tried on a pair of those shoes and they were HEAVENLY! !!! My goal is to buy a pair after I lose 15lbs.